The grid of actions, to be implemented over a 24month period, includes interventions (strictly soft actions) in the scope of enhancement of the entrepreneurship culture, assisting business creation, building new skills and supporting new or existing enterprises.

The specific set of actions, via this project, is designed to tackle mainly the following key issues, considered as affecting significantly the existing business conditions at cross border level:

  • Informational imperfections – not all enterprises have access to similar information 
  • Knowledge creation imperfections – knowledge is not shared and ‘spilled over’ effect not benefiting all enterprises (usually limited amongst innovators)
  • Market imperfections – lack of horizontal support services
  • Networking failure – weak links or no links at all even at sectoral basis


Developing dynamic business conditions, however, entails interventions at various aspects such as: regulatory framework, market size, access to labour — knowledge — finance and entrepreneurial and innovation culture.

This specific initiative, acknowledging the limited if nonexistent ability to intervene at the first two areas (legislation and market), focuses at the latter two aspects, therefore foresees activities aimed to enhance or enable:

  1. Access and exploitation of ICT tools
  2. Positive attitude towards collaboration KAI networking schemes
  3. Knowledge KAI knowhow exchange
  4. Capability development
  5.  Awareness raising and
  6. Society's KAI individual's attitude towards entrepreneurship.

Partners agreed to take an initiative, attempting to tackle a common (cross borderly) barrier, their target group usually comes against, that is their limited, if any, access to existing support services due to reasons that are either related to geographic coverage or to the actual limitations -restrictions of the services themselves. At the same time, they also admit this as a factor influencing or discouraging business creation overall. With this in mind the set of activities foreseen, addresses two main types of factors, those determining the decision making for new businesses and those determining the success and viability of enterprises. In the first case, the activities are relevant to enhancement of knowhow, the procedure of generating a business idea, the ability to access finandng tools, the networking opportunities especially the accessibility to supporting services and finally the  development of skills related to issues such as risk management etc., in the second case, activities are oriented to entrepreneurial aspects such as skilled resources, quality and innovation tools and techniques' introduction into current procedures, marketing and promotion place in the business' strategy etc.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the mix of services to be provided, via the entire grid of activities foreseen, is designed to be flexible and adaptable to what is needed at the time as well as to who is in need of the specific services package (profiling), for this reason 3 pillars are introduced, which will characterize the implementation of the project throughout its Recycle: Careful adaptation, Market driven approach and Effective capacity development


The Project is co-funded by the European Regional Development Fund and by national funds of the countries participating in the Interreg V-A “Greece-Bulgaria 2014-2020” Cooperation Programme.

This webpage has been produced with the financial assistance of the European Union. The contents of the webpage are sole responsibility of University of Macedonia and can in no way be taken to reflect the views of the European Union, the participating countries the Managing Authority and the Joint Secretariat.


University of Macedonia, Egnatias 156, Thessaloniki, Greece